Thursday, February 17, 2011

Work has been busy, but I'm not dead!

Hello fellows! Sorry for the disappearance, I've been pretty active at work and at home. It is growing near time for me to embark on my epic journey back to Texas. The life I have lived is most certainly crazy as fuck so far, and I can't believe it has led to this and am excited where it is leading. The power is in your hands; you just have to find it.

Recently watched some good movies - Biodome, Adaptation (REALLY GOOD), and Silent Running:

For your patience, I bring you some sexy new images!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Forever Alone Day, and 50 Followers GET!

In celebration of this glorious emotional-wrecking holiday and my glorious 50 followers, I give you the story of my life with women, in images:

<3, your neighborhood pimp. smoke weed everyday, fuck bitches, get dat money, spend it on da honey

Woke up grumpy on a sunday :( - MY STORY, PART 1

Man, so, I sometimes have anger problems. I am a very relaxed, worry-free person by default, but a lot of tiny things can bother me when things go wrong. For instance, I went to bed at like 6am because I could sleep in and relax today, or so I thought...Mom barges into my room asking for a ride to my Grandpa's so she can pick up her new car. I'm like....FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU goddammit I only had 4 hours of sleep you told me he was coming here, "well he changed his mind LOL Y U MAD" ugggggh such a fucking troll of a mom, fo rizzle -_-

Moving out in one month as of tomorrow. 4 weeks, 28 days, 672 hours, about 40800 minutes from right now. I'm excited as all hell. This living situation resulted from a series of unfortunate events:

-Dad got married to a chinese woman he met on Yahoo! dating and had her and her son move in with us FROM CHINA, they didn't know any english, and just expected everyone to be cool about it right away, ignoring that he basically lied to the entire family for about 2 years prior

-I had waited to take my calculus-based Physics 2 course way too late...until my final semester in fact. That was on top of 3 upper-level computer science courses, plus a computer science independent study that I got paid to do (it was essentially getting paid to take a course), so naturally, very stressful academic environment. I ended up skipping Physics 2 classes many times in favor of "me-time" in the morning, and this proved to be a mistake.

-I didn't graduate. Failed Physics 2, so even though I walked the stage, I still don't have my degree.

-Fell into depression, stopped emailing my boss, quit going to work, just surfed Internet and gamed high all day

-Lost my virginity while jobless, which is VERY odd. I also had sex 3 times during that 3 week period in February of 2009. Actually, the anniversary of my virginity-loss is February 16, which is in 3 days...and I havent had sex in almost 2 years -_-  All the sex I've ever had happened from Feb 16 2009 until like March something.

-Took a crappy telemarketing job, got laid off 2 months in, began receiving unemployment.

-Looked for jobs but wasn't having ANY luck no matter how much effort I put in. The negative returns made me feel like I was wasting my time, when really I wanted to get back into school and focus on my class instead...

-Didn't feel like I could balance job hunting with school, and pressure from family led me to stop attending new classes so I could fail my job hunt more.

-Got into a fight with dad, got kicked out of home, had to find temporary residence and then figure out new place

-Friends across the country were buying their first home, and invited me to move in last June

-Spend June until september going from a very enjoyable environment to hating my roommates.

-By september, they were plotting to kick me out behind my back because I still didn't have a job, even though I was looking very hard.

-I had to move in with my Mom and Grandma several states away, last resort, which didn't feel good that none of my plans had worked out yet...

-Cue many drama-filled nights with the family, screaming matched, petty bullshit, semantics arguments, negativity all around me, stupidity, ignorance, insensitivity, a complete lack of respect for me or anyone around me.

-Examples of what i had to put up with:  Mom stole my car by lying to my face so I'd let her borrow it. She then spent a week living out of it up in another city smoking crack cocaine and doing who knows what else IN MY FUCKING CAR for fucks sakes, and then she comes home finally and expects me to be all peachy-keen and shit, like I'm not going to LOSE MY FUCKING SHIT AS I RUIN YOUR FACE BITCH! God, so, as I'm screaming at her and calling her a cunt and everything else, she looks sad and goes into her room and locks the door. Well I'm like "fuck that" so I break the door down with my shoulder by ramming into it, and so she then goes into the garage (connected to her room) and since it locked from inside, I locked HER out. Eventually she gets back inside and calls 911 on me, so I had to calm down and deal with a police officer come over and shit. He lectures us each for a bit then leaves, I'm crying by this point and want to kill myself for having grown up and ended up in such a ridiculous scenario in the first place...



But now? At this very moment? I'm feel pretty good. The story doesn't end there, because I'm here now, feeling pretty good and doing alright with my family here, and I'll be doing even better when I have moved back to where my friends are. Americans are always saying shit like "dont you want your independence" to adults who still live at home and shit, but that's only because they cant stand their families and think that shit is supposed to be how it is. I wouldn't mind living at home if my family wasn't so intolerable at times, but I'm sure I am as well.

At any rate, it's afternoon, I've just been internetting all day and am clearly not high enough because I spent a while giving a fuck about my buttownage from earlier so lemme toke o some shit, mmm...*toke toke toke*

So, cool pics time!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I thought this would be cool to do

I got some treats for my new readers :D
Regular dosages of cool images on my harddrives!
Cuz...the collection is refined and delicious
Pallateable and ready for consumption
Dig in kids!

I'ma dump on this fucker

I'm feeling particularly good, so I'm gonna dump some more coolness:

Blunt smoking etiquette

Weiner calls out GOP for being dumb as fuck

This is some troll-level awesome. I decided to listen to this with dubstep overlayed. Congress is much more awesome when stoned and overlayed with great music.

But anyways, fucking GOP, they are so motivated only by greed that they are blind to their own idiocy. Go figure. Ron Paul is ok though, and while I'd nail Palin, that's about all I'd do...GOP, Y U SO DUMB??? ;_;

Shit-ton of cannabis links

hey guys and girls, happy saturday! i just took my first hit of the day (i'm slow at wake-n-bake, already been up for 2 hours) and i'm cruising the intertubes waiting to get inspired for some video gaming or coding / waiting to take my car to my shop / grandpa to get that shit oiled and fixed.

anyway, i recently acquired a butt-ton of links i have to start mining for snippets and shit, so i thought i'd share them with you guys. there's so much misinformation out there, a central repository of good, factual links has been hard to come by, so perhaps i can help fix that...

Friday, February 11, 2011

A guy wrote a reddit copycat site, entirely in x86 assembly, in 2 nights and 666 lines of code

Czech em:


Thread on reddit (tl;dr it's an old one):

It is shit like this that gets me hyped for my job. Shit that is so far outside the box it just explodes your mind. For reference, this IS impressive by programmer standards. It'd take me far longer than 2 nights to do that mess :X

Codereddit - for slacking off at work!


this is gonna be so pimp awesome for me dudes and dudettes. shit looks just like what i do at work too.

now, clearly, the next step is to generalize this format for browsing ANY website, not just reddit. this is an awesome project idea, not sure i have the energy to start on something of such a grand scale though...

anyone else gonna make extensive use of this like i am? :D

Miyazaki hates technology

What's up, everyone? It's friday night, just chillin', thought I'd share some more goods with you:

Miyazaki hates technology

What a troll. His anime are fantastic, as his manga, but goddamn, I really feel on the opposite end of his viewpoint here. Technological advances have allowed humans to transcend our own evolution and mold ourselves as we wish --- something impossible in the worlds Miyazaki describes.

He's like the McCain of the anime industry, fuck!

World's CPU speed + storage: 1 human brain/dna

This was both shocking and not surprising:

Time to pull our resources and create the first AI!

Web Dev Standards + Javascript Wolfenstein 3D

Worse yet, I am a web developer, so this is of big interest to me.

Gives a rundown of all the standard shit a web developer needs. What to look for/design for/etc. Standards, like I said. You'd be surprised how much devs miss out on if they aren't up on their shit (and I only went to school for CS --- I've picked up this web 2.0 bullshit pretty quickly, but I am NO pro by any means)

Nextly, we've got a treat from one of my friend's blogs:

WOLFENSTEIN 3D!!! Soooooo cool, in Javascript too! May need to add customizeable controls because of my disability+left-handedness, but that shouldn't be too hard to do.

How to bill for programming

I am chilling at work, browsing through some code shit, since, y'know, I'm a programmer - and I came across an article on how to charge for programming work:

The essence of the article is very Computer Science oriented:

1. Break the project down into tiny functional units (divide & conquer)
2. Figure out a min and max cost
3. Only charge for hours actually spent coding (not researching)
4. Charge a higher rate for hours coding (to make up for #3)
5. Track your time coding very specifically

Makes sense, right? This way, everyone wins. You're honest with your client, you get paid well and appropriately per project, and the client gets what they ask for.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Excellent Minecraft Shader

I'm gonna be crashing out soon but I thought I'd drop something else I discovered off:

There should be a zip or something in there with a patch for Minecraft. It hooks you up with this nice shader system that causes perspective to distinguish between focused (clean) and unfocused (blurred) objects. It makes the game look very nice!

Back up your old binary first just in case you want to uninstall the mod or update it.

DUBSTEP aka "Super badass music"

Ok, so, I'm awesome as fuck right. I'm sitting here smoking some weed from my glass bong and listening to some tunes, and I thought - let me share the goods with my pimps and hoes:

Lately, I have gotten super-hard into loving Dubstep as my new favorite music genre. I am a man who has sampled - and loved - songs and artists in EVERY category. Like, my music history is as follows:

Started out with kris kross at age 5 (lol white kid nerd started w/ rap wtf?), then moved into Aerosmith and Van Halen when I got my first CD player. Radio played rob zombie, metallica, ozzie osborne, those were some original dudes I liked. My parents didnt want me to listen to I did, lol. Tool, fuck yes they are great. KMFDM remains an absolute, absolute fave.

Anime nerd, so naturally I got into J-pop and J-rock. Malice mizer, pierrot, too lazy to caps,, larc en ciel, morning musume, megumi hayashibara, those are some of 'em. Any anime theme songs were game, too. DDR got me into other genres.

Shpongle and psychedelic trancy chillout stuff is excellent, and its kind of an evolution-of-the-universe thing when I examine the progression of my musical awareness. I am no longer so closed-minded, but I am very aware of what makes music enjoyable to me. Can you believe some people "hate" music? WTF RIGHT????

Anyway, some KICK FUCKING ASS dubstep right here. Get ready to jack off your brains, assholes :D

People OK with Murdering Assange

I came across a website that details public figures who have called for the murder of Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks. The guy's under a lot of fire for his work (which I am personally supportive of), and while I am all for freedom of speech, there needs to be a line drawn, especially when representatives of our government, media, and journalists begin calling for the death of another human being simply because they disagree with him.

What do you think? Is this kind of talk going to encourage another governor massacre like in Arizona? Should these...for lack of a better word, monkeys, be allowed to just say whatever they want?

Mubarak NOT stepping down, wtf?

So, in case you havent heard, the President of Egypt, who has been in power for over 30 years now (as opposed to the 2 term-limited 4 years of a US President), Mubarak, announced he wasn't leaving in so many words - basically saying he's gonna do some constitution fixes and staff replacement, speaking down to the Egyptian people like he's their god or something. Anyone else remember a similar time in history?

Oh, right... for the reference

Al Jazeera English Stream

Word up friends, you should be watching the stuff going down in Egypt today and tomorrow:

There's a lot going on in the world right now, so it would do us good to keep a close eye on the news: